Thursday, September 26, 2013

What Are Wind Turbines? What Do They Do?

Wind turbines are built in order to provide an alternative source of energy that is clean and environmentally sound. Turbines can be seen from the mountains to the coastlines and everywhere in between, facing in all directions. Since these Turbines have been built there have been growing concerns due to the noise they give off and other negative aspects. Coastal wind turbines effect they the marine eco-systems while wind turbines built on mountains often disrupt the natural flight patterns of native birds.
Regardless of those concerns, some larger wind turbines produce an astonishing 5.2 million kWh, which is enough energy to run 520 households. (1) Unlike other methods of energy production, wind turbines do not consume water, which makes them beneficial to farms and areas of the country where water is scarce or not easily accessible.(2) Even with opposition, wind energy has still managed to grow, with its positive aspects which include but are not limited to: sustainability, pollution reduction, tourism income, and renewable employment for local communities.
We are on the quest for the truth about wind turbines. How do people benefit, and what are the downfalls of turbines and wind energy? For some of us, it's a matter close to home, and for some it's a yearning for knowledge of the concept of wind energy. Join us on our journey through the process of discovering the ins and outs of wind energy. 

Vicky's View
I decided to research the use of wind turbines because I wanted to learn more about what they were and how they are impacting our environment. When I vacation to the Cape, I would hear some of the local residents complain about varying noise levels and how most of the wind turbines wouldn't work because they needed a certain wind speed to keep them moving. For some people, they were an eye sore in their backyard. I am interested to see if some of the complaints are valid and if they are, how are things being changed to improve such an expensive investment. 
With growing concerns about finding alternative sources of energy, I want to investigate the use of wind turbines as a way to sustain our future needs. Using nature's wind seems like a great way to produce energy in a rather clean way, but how does it all happen? Where does the energy go once it is produced? Do local communities benefit from the turbines being in their neighborhoods? I also want to research how the surrounding environments and ecosystems are able to go about daily life with such an object on the land. With this blog, I hope to answer some of the questions I have about the use of wind turbines in today's society. 
Sarah's View
After the institution of windmills in our town, I immediately became curious about what wind energy was all about and how it would benefit our community. I was worried mostly about the wildlife of our area and how it would be affected, along with how the windmills would be perceived by the public. Would they be seen as eye sores or would people find pleasure in looking at them?
My objective with this blog is to discover the real truths about windmills... what makes them good, bad, and/or ugly.

Rachel's view
In my town, we also installed giant windmills. They are constantly running. I know that the windmills will help preserve the oils of our earth, but what the the defects of windmills? Are there any? Luckily, in my town, the windmills are cleverly placed. They are next to a factory, but the place they picked has close to no homes around it. I believe the windmills are going to be used for a very long time. I do not know much about these windmills, but I hope to learn a lot more through this blog.

Kathryn's View
I have always had interest in clean energy and the concept of wind turbines too. I haven't personally had a connection with having any wind turbines in my town or near me so that is something different from all the others. But anytime I see them I always thought that they were fascinating to look at and learn about. The only one that I have ever seen was one that was up in new Hampshire while I was going up to Hampton Beach once. I opinion of these devices I positive there really is no negative idea towards these. The only thing that I have heard was that the noise of them can be loud if there is more than one around. I hope doing this blog will help me get a better understanding and idea of clean energy and wind turbines as well.

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