Monday, October 14, 2013

Sarah's Interview

I interviewed one of my P4 (Peabody Hall 4th Floor) family members, Christine.

1. What is a wind turbine?
"A big fan!"

2. What have you heard about wind energy/turbines?
"They're used as an alternative power source. So instead of using electricity, you can harvest the energy from the wind.

3. Have you ever seen a wind turbine?
Yes. Plymouth, Cape Cod, Kingston. The east coast area, I guess."

4. Do you think they're helpful or hurtful?
Helpful, because its good to harvest the wind to do something for us, instead of just focusing on electricity. It's almost like eco-friendly."

5.How do wind turbines affect energy cost?
"I don't personally know, but I feel like it would lower costs"

6. Are wind turbines loud?
"I've heard that they are, I've head you can hear the "wssshh" of the blades."

7. Did you ever learn about wind turbines in school?
"No, we were never taught."
8. Do wind turbines pose a safety hazard?
"Yes. There is always the potential for a propeller to fly off and hit someone."

9. How do they affect local wildlife?
They can ruin habitats and the blades could hit birds"

10. How can children be taught about wind energy?
"Schools could teach it, and if it happens to be being built close to them, they could get directly involved."

Wind energy is clearly not discussed in schools, which it should be. My peers do not know much about wind energy, nor do they seem to care. The subject needs to become a priority in schools in order to spark a passion for it.

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